Stop Paying More for Outdated Equip & Services
THIS IS THE YEAR TO UPDATE! LIMITED TIME OFFER – FREE SECURITY REPORT based on YOUR Business Security Needs. One of the things on your agenda for this year is possibly upgrading your security system after realizing you’ve used the same technology for a decade or two. So many changes have occurred since then that […]

Maximizing Sales with Improved Data
Video capabilities are turning heat-mapping data up a notch! Heat mapping allows retailers to understand where customers walk within a store, video allows retailers to see how that customer behavior translates into purchases. Both together giving retail managers data, they can use to see which product placements are working and which aren’t. This way, they’ll know […]

Improved Tag and Label Detection
Reduce shrink throughout all of your stores with NuTech’s Intelligence EAS system. Use our centralized software to track activity, false triggers, system activation, service, and tuning issues. Track all unused tags to make sure the store is maximizing and protecting inventory. Latest Technology Smart Technology allows alarm and video integration High Pick Rate Modern Design […]

Works with All EAS
Reliable Security Tags
Able to be placed on the inside or the outside of products
Retail security tags are designed to set off an alarm at the point of the store’s exit, detecting a likely theft. The field of monitoring is provided by a security system which gives off a frequency that ‘looks’ for the tags. This gives the system an opportunity to detect any tags before they are taken out of the store.

Immediate Cost Savings!
No Cost to Convert Keep your Alarm Equipment No Cost to Convert No Re-wiring Same User Codes Faster Service Better Service Lower Cost $11.95 Monthly Monitoring The top fortune 500 companies use NuTech We offer a range of security services to fit any large retail operations. Find out why it’s worth the switch. Save money […]

The Time to Update is Now
LIMITED TIME OFFER – FREE SECURITY REPORT based on YOUR Business Security Needs PLUS 1 MONTH FREE MONITORING! Speak to an Industry specific expert to discover your options, ask questions, express your needs and find the best cost effective solutions without sacrificing quality or latest technology. This is YOUR TIME to: Discuss Alarm Solutions Based […]